How to create embeddable MailChimp email signup forms

The next step after setting up your MailChimp account audiences is to create a way for users to add themselves to a specific audience group.

There are a few options we have for creating MailChimp signup forms, but this article will focus on creating custom forms to be embedded into custom website themes.

Create the form

  1. Begin by logging into MailChimp and viewing the Audience page.

  2. Select an audience, and click "Manage Audience" before finally selecting the "Signup forms" item.

  3. Click the "Select" button in the "Embedded forms" row.

  4. Select the "Unstyled" menu item, customize "Form options" and finally copy all of the code located in the "Copy/paste onto your site" text area.


Embedding this form is as simple as pasting the code into your website as HTML.

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